It’s time to look like a master decorator with the aid of a microwave, some parchment, and a single toothpick! Candy bark is sooo easy to make, decorate, and enjoy! Then once you’ve got the recipe down you can make rainbow bark, mermaid bark, or…
Valentine’s Day Trail Mix
Valentine’s Day Trail Mix Makes 6 cups Packing a special holiday snack for school or daycare can be a challenge. This ridiculously easy trail mix is a fun answer for a no-bake Valentine’s Day treat. Ingredients: 2 cups heart shaped cereal (Kashi makes one called…
Mixed Berry Smoothie Bowl
Mixed Berry Smoothie Bowl Makes 1 large serving (3 toddler size portions) Smoothie bowls are a fun way of spooning up a healthy breakfast as if it were ice cream. A good friend of mine taught her daughter that chia seeds are “nature’s sprinkles” which…